Martin Röttger - cajon & drums
Martin Röttger
Larry Mathews Blackstone: Solid Ground
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Larry Mathews Blackstone : Solid Ground
Larry Mathews Blackstone : Solid Ground

CD: Solid Ground 

1.  Follow me up to Carlow 
2.  Picture of you 
3.  I' wont wait 
4.  Fermoy lassies 
5.  Star of the Country Down 
6.  Focus of my attention
7.  Loving from a distance
8.  Lark in the morning 
9.  High Germany 
10. Movie Show 
11. Solid Ground 
12. Mountain Lark 
13. Wait till Sunday


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Larry Mathews Blackstone : Solid Ground
Audio Downloads
Zur Wiedergabe benötigen Sie einen aktuellen Player, z.B. Windows Media Player oder Quicktime.
Audio: Larry Mathews: Focus Of My Attention Larry Mathews: Focus Of My Attention (.mp3, 939 kB)
Audio: Larry Mathews: Loving From A Distance Larry Mathews: Loving From A Distance (.mp3, 939 kB)
Audio: Larry Mathews: Wait Till Sunday Larry Mathews: Wait Till Sunday (.mp3, 939 kB)

Nächste Termine
03.10. Gifhorn
04.10. Greven
» weitere Termine

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